Kamis, 03 Desember 2015

The Unique Tradition of Drinking Tea in Japan

(The Assignment of Writing V)
Lecturer : Nina Fitriana, S.pd

Tri Purwati

The Higher School Of Foreign Language Of Teknokrat
Bandar Lampung

The Unique Tradition of Drinking Tea in Japan

For some countries, tea is not just a regular activity. It is unlike us if we want to make a cup of tea. Some countries such as Japan, China, Russia, and England have some tradition to drinking tea itself. Tea is not just the type of healthy beverage. But, drinking tea is something that including social aspects, ethics, and aesthetics was then passed on from generation to generation. So, we can know someone has good attitude we can see by the way of someone when she or he drinking the tea itself.
This tradition is more commonly known as the tea ceremony. In a tea ceremony, it is contained traditions that reflect the symbolism and formalism someone. Tea ceremony in each country is different. All have the uniqueness of each. Skills serve tea to drink it is a sustainable way to hereditary. Although, it is different traditions, ritual drinking of tea in different countries can make kinship in family.
Key word: the tradition drinking tea in Japan society. Tradition Chanoyu in Japan.


Do you ever see a Japanese tea ceremony?
Japan is one country that has an assortment culture. Although the majority of ancient Japanese civilization built on cultures which were introduced from mainland Asia, over the last 1000 years the Japanese have absorbed elements of this culture and recreate it into Japanese culture itself. Throughout its history, Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries, including technology, customs, and forms of expression of other cultures. Japan has developed a unique that culture while integrating inputs from outside it. We can see that the Japanese lifestyle today is a blend of traditional culture under the influence of Asian and western modern culture.
The habit of drinking tea has become a sort of "rite" among the people of Japan and China. Even now in the middle of a tea ceremony
Japanese society is a sacred thing. In China, tea culture has been known since 3000 years before Christ, in the time of Emperor Shen Nung in power. Tea ceremony has a history and a long tradition in Japan. Often the history of this ceremony is associated with people who are considered influential as clergy. With the relationship between tea ceremony with these people then make the tea ceremony is regarded as a high culture of the Japanese people.
The tea ceremony is a cultural tradition ceremony hereditary doing Japan since before the days of Edo. Tea ceremony is up to now still preserved. Ceremony of tea in Japan has a very deep meaning of life and a teaching of good manners in addition to the many benefits of this ceremony in the health field. The ceremony of tea in Japan is known to be so complicated, so typical, and full of meaning. But that does not mean only Japanese people who can follow this ritual. It is proved from the many countries that have been "visited" by the nation of Japan's culture, including Indonesia.
I choose this topic as my paper because I think this is a unique topic to be discussed so that the reader is able to understand the meaning of ceremony tea in Japan as life and the role learning good manners. And also in this paper I want to discuss about fourth things there are the procession of the tea ceremony in Japan, meaning tea ceremony in Japan, types of tea served in the tea ceremony in Japan, and types of tea ceremony in Japan.


The Procession Tea Ceremony in Japan
Japanese tea ceremony consists of some procession. Following the procession of the tea ceremony urasenka flow:
a.    Incoming guest and host invited guests
b.    Guest reception and say hello to each other
c.    Giving sweet pastry called Okashi
d.    Members greeting each other shortly after administration koe Okashi as a form of respect
e.    Okashi edible cake using bamboo puncture should be spent to honor the host (hence the cake is usually a little and small)
f.     Manufacture of tea by Tea Master
g.    Once the tea is made ​​and served to guests with tea bowl which overlooks a bowl motif as a sign of respect
h.    Take a bowl of tea and also rotate the bowl for tea bowl motif facing host 3 times as a sign of gratitude and respect.
i.      Then the guests started to drink the
Meaning of the tea ceremony in Japan
Tea ceremony in Japan contains a lot of the meaning of life. Each procession is in the tea ceremony in Japan contain any meaning. Procession saluted each other between the guest and meaningful reception mutual respect and everyone should honor the guest. Procession giving sweet pastry or Okashi which must be spent by guests is a form of appreciation from the host to welcome guests and guests who got cake Okashi should spend it as gratitude for a gift as well as a form of respect. At the time of making tea, Tea Master, every movement is done very carefully and patience and should not be hastily rushed it means someone has to do something carefully and patiently. Drinking tea cannot be arbitrary. Tea served bowls laid out with extreme caution because of serving must ensure that the best motives of the tea bowl should be facing toward the guests. Because it is the best, then it is not too polite for guests to drink directly from the side. So the tea drinkers also have to play a bowl of tea in order to position overlooking host motif as a sign of gratitude and respect.
In the process of making tea and serve it with the rule that the natural gracefully make us remember the "self", recalling nature, recalling the journey of life, remembering where we come and direction we go. Harmony, balance is a "way of life" that every time should be cared for, organized, and trained in the graceful process. Smooth. No hurry ".
Types of tea served in the tea ceremony in Japan
As for the types of tea in Japan and is usually used for the ceremony, as follows:
  1. Green Tea, or often referred to as green tea. Green tea has many benefits and therefore green tea is often used in the tea ceremony.
  2. Gyokuro, tea is grown by not receiving direct sunlight it makes aroma of tea is very fragrant.
  3. Matcha, a powdered green tea which is very high quality. Hla makes this tea is often used in the tea ceremony in Japan.
  4. Sencha, tea is very common. In the tea ceremony in Japan often use this tea bias so because of the easiness of raw materials. This tea is grown by getting direct sunlight.
  5. Genmaicha, tea mixture maicha and brown rice that has been baked.
  6. Kabusecha, the tea leaves are protected from sunlight before harvest.
  7. Bancha, a sencha harvested in the second season.
  8. Houjicha, a roasted green tea.
  9. Kukicha, derived from each plant shoots of tea, with the picking of the flower and three leaves.
  10. Tamaryokucha, is tea which has a very pungent aroma

Types of tea ceremony
As for the types of tea ceremony in Japan, among others:
a.    Chabako Demae, tea ceremony This puts the drinking equipment in a special box.
b.    Ryu-Rei, tea served in this ceremony is placed in a special table. At the beginning and end of the ceremony will be honored with a bow. Usually the host needed an assistant.
c.    Hakobi Demae, done by seiza position and the equipment taken out of the room tea tea ceremony.
d.    Urasenka. This type of ceremony is a very popular type of ceremony. Usually sit cross-legged atop a tatami then given a cake by the host to be eaten by the guests. The tea ceremony will not begin before the guests spend the cakes were served.
e.    Obon Temae. In a ceremony of this kind host will bring the equipment to serve tea. Then the entire equipment covered with fukusa. Weak tea will be served with seiza position.


Japan has a lot of culture, such as religious ceremonies and ceremonies. The tea ceremony is one of them, which is a culture that originated in China. Tea ceremony is a traditional Japanese ritual in serving tea to guests who do specifically. Tea is not just poured with hot water and then drink, but it has artistic value in the broad sense
Tea culture is a tradition that has been carried out by the Japanese people from the past that until now tetao preserved. The tea ceremony is a ceremony welcoming host to the guest by presenting the tea. Tea ceremony held outdoors called Nodate. If indoors called chato. Usually, the host provides the flowers, paintings, and ceramics are beautiful to welcome the guests in the tea ceremony this.
The frescoes are usually installed in the room where the tea ceremony called kakejiku. Flowers are usually installed in the room where the tea ceremony called Chabana. Usually the ceremony of tea is using matcha tea.  It is finely ground. Using matcha tea ceremony called matchado. But sometimes we can also using green tea sencha types. With tea tea ceremony is called senchado. In this ceremony also served sweet cakes that Okashi


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